
FHSW_english」(2012/07/29 (日) 00:38:32) の最新版変更点



**Machine translation ver Original Information Page URL (Japanese Language): http://www4.atwiki.jp/battlefield1942/pages/55.html *Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon #ref(http://www4.atwiki.jp/battlefield1942/?plugin=ref&page=FHSW&file=FHSWlogo.jpg) Official Title: Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon FHSW Mod development team leader: FHSWman Version of FHSW: 0.5 FHSW Official website: http://fhsw.or.tp/ FHSW Official blog "Secret Ordnance Factory" (Japanese Language): http://wbmuse.blog89.fc2.com/ FHSW Arms explanation website (Japanese Language): http://fhseheiki.web.fc2.com/ //FHSW Mini Info (English Language): http://greatjapanempireld.hp.infoseek.co.jp/bf1942fhsw/main.shtml **Contents list #contents(,option=word) **MOD introduction &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU0qQz5fszw){680,370} //&youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5Q3ywuguJw){680,370} &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHA7P1d7YSo){680,370} This MOD is never used for the actual combat and is miniMOD of FH that can use experimental arms that do not become arms and mass production that has faced the end of the war and other classified weapons. Main body of FH0.7 and fan map packing 6 are necessary for the FHSW play. Addition..map..appear..map..aircraft..test..for..custom..map. And, six MAP that exists in packing 6 of fan map of FH. "TEST FIELD" is a map for the bug check and the aircraft performance examination, and no multi directions. As for the map to which the cope is supported with FH, the cope is basically possible also by FHSW. Because a lot of bugs were confirmed with Ver0.1, a part of the function has been deleted by some arms. Concretely, it is a mobile installation function of Flak30, and a bullet change function of 42 expression charge howitzer shell. Other deleted parts exist, and details are being written in the file of 0.1A patch attachment. **Installation method **Download ***FHSW 0.5 Client File &bold(){Mirror} PrinceUmeboshi.jpn Website (http://princeumeboshi.servegame.com) (go to "Download" page) &bold(){Mirror} AKISABA http://akisaba.dyndns.org/up/bf1942/FHSW050Client1of3.rar http://akisaba.dyndns.org/up/bf1942/FHSW050Client2of3.rar http://akisaba.dyndns.org/up/bf1942/FHSW050Client3of3.rar ---- ***FHSW 0.4 English Language and German Language Patch (Non Official) FHSWv0.4_EnglishAndGermanLanguagePatch_v1.1.zip (86.8 KB) FHSW Mini Info http://greatjapanempireld.hp.infoseek.co.jp/bf1942fhsw/download_file/FHSWv0.4_EnglishAndGermanLanguagePatch_v1.1.zip(DeadLink) ---- **Old FHSW version ***FHSW v0.3beta2 Client File FHSW030beta2ClientFull.zip (1.87 GB) -FileFront http://files.filefront.com/FHSW+03b2+03b2/;13645383;/fileinfo.html **Comment #comment
**Machine translation ver Original Information Page URL (Japanese Language): http://www4.atwiki.jp/battlefield1942/pages/55.html *Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon #ref(http://www4.atwiki.jp/battlefield1942/?plugin=ref&page=FHSW&file=FHSWlogo.jpg) Official Title: Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon FHSW Mod development team leader: FHSWman Version of FHSW: 0.5 FHSW Official blog "Secret Ordnance Factory" (Japanese Language): http://wbmuse.blog89.fc2.com/ FHSW Arms explanation website (Japanese Language): http://fhseheiki.web.fc2.com/ //FHSW Mini Info (English Language): http://greatjapanempireld.hp.infoseek.co.jp/bf1942fhsw/main.shtml **Contents list #contents(,option=word) **MOD introduction &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU0qQz5fszw){680,370} //&youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5Q3ywuguJw){680,370} &youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHA7P1d7YSo){680,370} This MOD is never used for the actual combat and is miniMOD of FH that can use experimental arms that do not become arms and mass production that has faced the end of the war and other classified weapons. Main body of FH0.7 and fan map packing 6 are necessary for the FHSW play. Addition..map..appear..map..aircraft..test..for..custom..map. And, six MAP that exists in packing 6 of fan map of FH. "TEST FIELD" is a map for the bug check and the aircraft performance examination, and no multi directions. As for the map to which the cope is supported with FH, the cope is basically possible also by FHSW. Because a lot of bugs were confirmed with Ver0.1, a part of the function has been deleted by some arms. Concretely, it is a mobile installation function of Flak30, and a bullet change function of 42 expression charge howitzer shell. Other deleted parts exist, and details are being written in the file of 0.1A patch attachment. **Installation method **Download ***FHSW 0.5 Client File &bold(){Mirror} PrinceUmeboshi.jpn Website (http://princeumeboshi.servegame.com) (go to "Download" page) &bold(){Mirror} AKISABA http://akisaba.dyndns.org/up/bf1942/FHSW050Client1of3.rar http://akisaba.dyndns.org/up/bf1942/FHSW050Client2of3.rar http://akisaba.dyndns.org/up/bf1942/FHSW050Client3of3.rar ---- ***FHSW 0.4 English Language and German Language Patch (Non Official) FHSWv0.4_EnglishAndGermanLanguagePatch_v1.1.zip (86.8 KB) FHSW Mini Info http://greatjapanempireld.hp.infoseek.co.jp/bf1942fhsw/download_file/FHSWv0.4_EnglishAndGermanLanguagePatch_v1.1.zip(DeadLink) ---- **Old FHSW version ***FHSW v0.3beta2 Client File FHSW030beta2ClientFull.zip (1.87 GB) -FileFront http://files.filefront.com/FHSW+03b2+03b2/;13645383;/fileinfo.html **Comment #comment

