
case_answer1」(2006/08/15 (火) 23:44:07) の最新版変更点



*HOA (Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) 解説 ***HOAとは?    1. chronic proliferative periostitis of long bones    2. clubbing of fingers ,toes, or both    3. oligosynovitis or polysinovitis              minimum: 1+2   CLASSIFICATION    Primary     Pachydermoperiosteosis     Idiopathic     Clubbing (familial, Idiopathic)    Secondary     Pulmonary      Neoplasm, Infection, IPF,pneumoconiosis,sarcoidosis…     Cardiovascular      SBE,CHD,PDA,aneurysm     Gastrointestinal      Neoplasm, Infection,hepatobiliary,IBD     Neoplasms     Thyroid     Miscellaneous   SIGN AND SYMPTOM     Disease progression is often more rapid.     The clinical manifestations of HOA may precede symptoms of the underlying associated      disease by more than a year.     The pain is sever in the distal extremities and is characteristically accentuated by      dependency, relief of pain is achieved through elevation.     There is often warmth and tenderness to presssure over the feet and legs, the distal tibia,      the radius, and the ulna.     Drinking worsens pain.     Arthritis: stiffness, heat,swelling,sweating,edema        symmetric MP joint,wrist,elboe,knee,ankle,clavicle,tempromandibular   LABORATORY FINDINGS     ESR increse, complement normal, RF and ANA negative, ALP may be increased     Synovial fluid is noninflammatory.   RADIOGRAPHS     Radiographic findings may occure in the absence of any clinical findings.     Periosteal thickning occurs along the shafts of long and short bones.     It appears less often in the phalanges.     Scans demonstarates pericortical linear concentration of nuclide along the radial,      femoral, and tibilal shafts along with periarticular uptake of the Radionuclide ,      emphasizing the presence of synovitis.     &ref(image004.jpg)   DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS     Whenever HOA is diagnosed, it is crucial to search for an associated disease.      Isolated clubbing       prodrome of HOA or may represent a separate entity.(表)      Periostitis       Bone tumor, osteomyelitis, subperiosteal hemorrhage, juvenile RA       syphilis, lymphangitis, scurvy, Vitamin A toxicity      Polyarthritis       RA and other collagen diseases, carcinomatous polyarthritis   PATHOLOGY     Subperiosteal cancellous new bone formation.     Pathologic fractures occur uncommonly.   ETIOLOGY     Unknown   MANAGEMENT     treatment of the underlying condition.     Vagotomy     NSAIDs     Steroid ***表  続発性HOAの原因疾患   1. 呼吸器疾患       原発性肺癌       胸膜腫瘍       縦隔腫瘍       転移性胸腔内腫瘍 肺膿瘍       気管支拡張症       慢性気管支炎       カリニ肺炎       間質性肺炎       塵肺症       肺結核症       サルコイドーシス       縦隔内Hodgkin病   2. 心血管疾患       チアノーゼ性CHD       感染性心内膜炎       心横紋筋肉腫       大動脈瘤       動脈管開存症   3. 消化器疾患       潰瘍性大腸炎       クローン病       アメーバ性腸炎       横隔膜下膿瘍       特発性脂肪便       スプルー       小腸腫瘍       大腸腫瘍       多発大腸ポリープ       肝硬変肝腫瘍       原発性胆管性肝硬変肝アミロイドーシス       胆道閉塞症   4. 内分泌疾患       甲状腺切除術後       甲状腺機能亢進症       副甲状腺機能亢進症      5. その他       下剤常用者、妊娠    ****CLASSIFICATION OF POLYARTHRITIS   INFLAMMATORY     Peripheral polyarticular       RA       SLE       Viral arthritis       Psoriatic arthritis     Peripheral pauciarticular       Psoriatic arthritis       Reiter's syndrome       Rheumatic fever       Polyarticular gout       Enteropathic arthritis       Behcet's disesae       Bacterial endocarditis       Peripheral with axial involvement       Ankylosing spondylitis       Reiter's syndrome       Enteropathic arthritis       Psoriatic arthritis   NONINFLAMMATORY     Hereditary       Osteoarthritis of the hands       Primary generalized osteoarthritis     Traumatic osteoarthritis     Metabolic diseases       Hemochromatosis       Ochronosis       Acromegaly ****PARANEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES 1. Myopathy, Scleroderma 2. HOA, Polyarteritis, Amyloidosis, PMR, Secondary gout, Panniculitis, Carcinoma polyarthritis, Polycondritis, Jaccoud's type arthropathy, Lupus antibody syndrome, Miscellaneous arthropathies, Pyogenic arthritis 3. Miscellaneous Presentations, Osteomalacia, Lupus-like syndrome, Digital necrosis, Necrotizing vasculitis, Erythromelalgia, Cryoproteins, Antiphospolipid antibody syndrome, Immune complex disease, RSD ****FEATURES OF CARCINOMA POLYARTHRITIS    Asymmetric joint involvement    Explosive onset    Predominant lower extremity involvement with sparing of wrists and small joints    No periosteal reaction    Late age at onset of arthritis    Abscence of RAF, rheumatoid nodules    Nonspecific histopathologic appearance of synovial lining
*HOA (Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) 解説 ***HOAとは?    1. chronic proliferative periostitis of long bones    2. clubbing of fingers ,toes, or both    3. oligosynovitis or polysinovitis              minimum: 1+2   CLASSIFICATION    Primary     Pachydermoperiosteosis     Idiopathic     Clubbing (familial, Idiopathic)    Secondary     Pulmonary      Neoplasm, Infection, IPF,pneumoconiosis,sarcoidosis…     Cardiovascular      SBE,CHD,PDA,aneurysm     Gastrointestinal      Neoplasm, Infection,hepatobiliary,IBD     Neoplasms     Thyroid     Miscellaneous   SIGN AND SYMPTOM     Disease progression is often more rapid.     The clinical manifestations of HOA may precede symptoms of the underlying associated      disease by more than a year.     The pain is sever in the distal extremities and is characteristically accentuated by      dependency, relief of pain is achieved through elevation.     There is often warmth and tenderness to presssure over the feet and legs, the distal tibia,      the radius, and the ulna.     Drinking worsens pain.     Arthritis: stiffness, heat,swelling,sweating,edema        symmetric MP joint,wrist,elboe,knee,ankle,clavicle,tempromandibular   LABORATORY FINDINGS     ESR increse, complement normal, RF and ANA negative, ALP may be increased     Synovial fluid is noninflammatory.   RADIOGRAPHS     Radiographic findings may occure in the absence of any clinical findings.     Periosteal thickning occurs along the shafts of long and short bones.     It appears less often in the phalanges.     Scans demonstarates pericortical linear concentration of nuclide along the radial,      femoral, and tibilal shafts along with periarticular uptake of the Radionuclide ,      emphasizing the presence of synovitis.     &ref(image004.jpg)   DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS     Whenever HOA is diagnosed, it is crucial to search for an associated disease.      Isolated clubbing       prodrome of HOA or may represent a separate entity.(表)      Periostitis       Bone tumor, osteomyelitis, subperiosteal hemorrhage, juvenile RA       syphilis, lymphangitis, scurvy, Vitamin A toxicity      Polyarthritis       RA and other collagen diseases, carcinomatous polyarthritis   PATHOLOGY     Subperiosteal cancellous new bone formation.     Pathologic fractures occur uncommonly.   ETIOLOGY     Unknown   MANAGEMENT     treatment of the underlying condition.     Vagotomy     NSAIDs     Steroid ***表  続発性HOAの原因疾患   1. 呼吸器疾患       原発性肺癌       胸膜腫瘍       縦隔腫瘍       転移性胸腔内腫瘍 肺膿瘍       気管支拡張症       慢性気管支炎       カリニ肺炎       間質性肺炎       塵肺症       肺結核症       サルコイドーシス       縦隔内Hodgkin病   2. 心血管疾患       チアノーゼ性CHD       感染性心内膜炎       心横紋筋肉腫       大動脈瘤       動脈管開存症   3. 消化器疾患       潰瘍性大腸炎       クローン病       アメーバ性腸炎       横隔膜下膿瘍       特発性脂肪便       スプルー       小腸腫瘍       大腸腫瘍       多発大腸ポリープ       肝硬変肝腫瘍       原発性胆管性肝硬変肝アミロイドーシス       胆道閉塞症   4. 内分泌疾患       甲状腺切除術後       甲状腺機能亢進症       副甲状腺機能亢進症      5. その他       下剤常用者、妊娠    ****CLASSIFICATION OF POLYARTHRITIS   INFLAMMATORY     Peripheral polyarticular       RA       SLE       Viral arthritis       Psoriatic arthritis     Peripheral pauciarticular       Psoriatic arthritis       Reiter's syndrome       Rheumatic fever       Polyarticular gout       Enteropathic arthritis       Behcet's disesae       Bacterial endocarditis       Peripheral with axial involvement       Ankylosing spondylitis       Reiter's syndrome       Enteropathic arthritis       Psoriatic arthritis   NONINFLAMMATORY     Hereditary       Osteoarthritis of the hands       Primary generalized osteoarthritis     Traumatic osteoarthritis     Metabolic diseases       Hemochromatosis       Ochronosis       Acromegaly ****PARANEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES 1. Myopathy, Scleroderma 2. HOA, Polyarteritis, Amyloidosis, PMR, Secondary gout, Panniculitis, Carcinoma polyarthritis, Polycondritis, Jaccoud's type arthropathy, Lupus antibody syndrome, Miscellaneous arthropathies, Pyogenic arthritis 3. Miscellaneous Presentations, Osteomalacia, Lupus-like syndrome, Digital necrosis, Necrotizing vasculitis, Erythromelalgia, Cryoproteins, Antiphospolipid antibody syndrome, Immune complex disease, RSD ****FEATURES OF CARCINOMA POLYARTHRITIS    Asymmetric joint involvement    Explosive onset    Predominant lower extremity involvement with sparing of wrists and small joints    No periosteal reaction    Late age at onset of arthritis    Abscence of RAF, rheumatoid nodules    Nonspecific histopathologic appearance of synovial lining ----

