
first_in_ER」(2006/08/28 (月) 00:19:17) の最新版変更点



*First….. in ER               Nishitarumizu 2001.3.13 ***Seizure   ・詳細な病歴で本当にSeizureかどうかを見極める.     発症前 Trigger, aura (Simple Partial Seizure), abrupt onset nonspecific     発作時 Local or generalized? symmetrical? Progression of motor activity, incontinence     発作後 Postictal state, Todd’s paralysis 1-2 minutes duration, lack of recall   Differential diagnosis     Syncope - rapid recovery, no post-ictal like symptoms     Pseudoseizure - side-to-side head thrashing, rhythmic pelvic thrusting               Clonic extremity alternating motions,               no incontinence,injury, post-ictal like symptoms,lactic acidosis     Hyperventilation gradual onset, anxiety, reproduce     Movement disorder     Migraine     Narcolepsy/cataplexy &ref(First-1.gif)    ※Secondary seizure(原因治療が優先)を見逃さない! ****Causes of secondary seizures     Intracranial hemorrhage (subdural,epidural,subarachnoid,intraparenchymal)     Structural abnormalities      Vascular lesion (aneurism,arteriovenous malformation,vasculitis)      Mass lesions (primary or metastatic neoplasms)      Degenerative diseases      Congenital abnormalities     Trauma (recent or remote)     Infection (meningitis,encephalitis,abscess,HIV encephalopathy, CJD, syphilis)     Metabolic disturbances      Hypo-or hyperglycema      Hypo-or hypernatremia      Heperosmolar states      Uremia      Hepatic failure      Hypocalcemia,hypomagnesemia (rare)      Pellagra     Toxins and drugs (many)      Cocaine, amphetamine, heroin      Lidocaine, salicylates, ergot, digitalis, Erythropoietin,Cyclospporin      Antidepressants      Theophiline, penicillins and b-lactam antibiotics, Quinolones, INH      Alcohol withdrawal      Drug withdrawal (Barbiturate,Benzodiazepine     Eclampsia of pregnancy (may occur up to eight weeks postpartum)     Hypertensive encephalopathy     Anoxic-ischemic injury (cardiac arrest ,sever hypohemia)     Reduced cerebral blood flow (hypotension,Adams-Stokes)  ・画像は必要か?   ACEP recommendations for obtaining emergent neuroimaging following a seizure    New focal deficits    Persistent altered mental status    Recent head trauma    Fever    Anticoagulation therapy    History of cancer    Persistent or sever headache    Change in seizure pattern    Suspicion of AIDS (Neurology)    Age >40 (option Neurology)    Partial-onset seizure (option Neurology)    Unknown cause (urgent indication Neurology) &ref(First-2.gif) &ref(First-3.gif)  ・入院させるか?帰すか?抗痙攣剤を出すか?   ACEP guidelines for hospital admission of patients with new-onset seizure    Persistent altered mental status    CNS infection    New intracranial lesion    Underlying correctable medical problem     Significant hypoxia     Hypoglycemia     Hyponatremia     Dysrhysmia     Significant alcohol withdrawal    Acute head trauma    Status epilepticus    Eclampsia  ※The most important predictors of the risk of recurrence were the etiology   and the results of the EEG  ※Idiopathic seizure,normal neurological exam, EEG normal : 24%(recurrent within 2years)                        ,EEG abnormal : 48%   Abnormal neurological exam, EEG normal : 48%                        ,EEG abnormal:65%  ・神経所見に異常があったり、画像上の異常がある場合は抗痙攣剤を開始する.     治療可能な二次性痙攀ではその治療のみ行なう.     原因不明の場合はrisk/benefitを説明し、内服を持たさずに一週間以内に神経内科を受診させて      も良いのでは?(controversial) ***Chest pain    In a typical population of patients with acute chest pain who present at the emergency    department, approximately 15 percent have acute myocardial infarction and about 30 to    35 percent have unstable angina. Only 2.1 percent of patients with acute myocardial infarction    were discharged from the emergency department. In that population, the risk-adjusted mortality    was approximately double that of patients who had been admitted.    The prevalence of acute myocardial infarction was 80 percent among patients with1 mm or more    of new ST-segment elevation and 20 percent among patients with ST-segment depression or    T-wave inversion not known to be old.    In the absence of electrocardiographic changes consistent with the presence of ischemia, the risk    of acute myocardial infarction was 4 percent among patients with a history of coronary artery    disease and 2 percent among patients with no such history (unpublished data). &ref(First-4.gif)    In a study of rapid assays for troponins T in 773 consecutive patients with acute chest pain but    no ST-segment elevation, 94 percent of the patients with myocardial infarction had a positive    result for troponin T within six hours after the onset of chest pain. The specificity was 89 percent.    The sensitivity of the rapid assay for detecting myocardial infarction ranged from 33 percent for    patients who presented within two hours after the onset of symptoms to 86 percent for patients    who presented after having symptoms for eight hours;      specificity ranged from 86 percent to 100 percent. &ref(First-5.gif)    This algorithm had a sensitivity for detecting myocardial infarction that was similar to that of    the evaluating physicians' decisions with regard to admission to the coronary care unit (88    percent and 87.8 percent, respectively) and had a significantly higher specificity (74 percent vs.    71 percent). &ref(First-6.gif) &ref(First-7.gif) ***Syncope    詳細は久松のレクチャーを参照.   ・予後の悪い心疾患を見逃さない.   Syncope of unknown etiology carries a favorable prognosis with 1-year follow-up data showing   a low incidence of sudden death (2%), a 20% chance of recurrent syncope, and a 78% remission rate.   身体所見、心電図が正常で、45才以下なら外来でフォロー可能.   心不全や心室性不整脈の既往、異常心電図、45才以上なら救急外来で様子観察か、入院. ***Anaphyraxis 入院の適応 ボスミンを使用した患者は全例最低6時間は観察し、この間無症状なら帰宅可. 遠方者やsevereな反応のあった者、高齢者なども考慮. 退院の適応、処方、外来予約 ボスミンを使用した患者は全例最低6時間は観察し、この間無症状なら帰宅可 原因薬剤がわかれば、(疑わしければ)薬剤名を持たせて帰宅.   抗ヒスタミン剤とPSL20-40mg4日間.   帰宅後に何か症状があれば、再来するように伝える.   特に問題なければフォローは不要だが、皮膚科受診の紹介や重症例は外来で一度フォローする. ***Hemoptysis     Infectious nontubercular cause 25%     Tbc 5%     Neoplasia 28%     Cardiovascular 3%     Miscellaneous 13%     Undetermined 28%     Mild less than 5ml of blood in 24h     Moderate 5-600ml     Massive greater than 600ml     バイタルが異常なものは入院して様子観察.     バイタル、胸写ともに問題なければ外来で. ***GI bleeding   5 poor prognostic factors in upper GI bleeding     Initial hematocrit less than 30%     Initial systemic blood pressure lower than 100mmHg     Red blood in the NG lavage     History of cirrhosis or ascites on exam     History of vomiting red blood   Most common source of massive lower GI bleeding is an upper GI site.     Diverticulitis 35%     Angiodysplasia 30%     Cancer polyp 10%     Rectal disease 7%     Other 3%     Undiagnosed 15%   80-90% lower GI bleeding will stop without therapy. ***Suicide   SAD PERSONS score     Sex female 3times more likely to attempt,but men succeed 3times.     Age 19or younger and 45 or older are high risk     Depression 40-80% results from depression, 15% kill themselves     Previous attempt 64times risk     Ethanol abuse     Rational thinking loss functional psychosis command hallucination     Social support lacking     Organized plan     No spouse     Sickness   Discharge criteria     Crisis is identified and addressed     Patient has low SAD PERSONS score     Patient verbally “contacts” to return if condition worsens     Family member or friend agrees to stay with patient     Patient has a stable and supportive home environment     Telephone consultation with health care provider responsible for follow-up is performed     Follow-up appointment within 24-48 hours is scheduled. ***TIA     入院. ***Heat illness     軽い意識障害でも、急激に痙攀などおこることあり.解熱するまで様子観察. ***Near drowning     重度の低酸素血症や、一過性でも意識障害があったものは入院して様子観察.     胸写、パルスオキシで異常なく、意識障害の既往もなければ帰宅可. ***Electrical injury     全く何の症状がなくとも6-8時間はモニターして様子観察して帰宅.     何らかの症状があったり、どれぐらいの電力であったかが不明な場合は入院.
*First….. in ER               Nishitarumizu 2001.3.13 ***Seizure   ・詳細な病歴で本当にSeizureかどうかを見極める.     発症前 Trigger, aura (Simple Partial Seizure), abrupt onset nonspecific     発作時 Local or generalized? symmetrical? Progression of motor activity, incontinence     発作後 Postictal state, Todd’s paralysis 1-2 minutes duration, lack of recall   Differential diagnosis     Syncope - rapid recovery, no post-ictal like symptoms     Pseudoseizure - side-to-side head thrashing, rhythmic pelvic thrusting               Clonic extremity alternating motions,               no incontinence,injury, post-ictal like symptoms,lactic acidosis     Hyperventilation gradual onset, anxiety, reproduce     Movement disorder     Migraine     Narcolepsy/cataplexy &ref(First-1.gif)    ※Secondary seizure(原因治療が優先)を見逃さない! ****Causes of secondary seizures     Intracranial hemorrhage (subdural,epidural,subarachnoid,intraparenchymal)     Structural abnormalities      Vascular lesion (aneurism,arteriovenous malformation,vasculitis)      Mass lesions (primary or metastatic neoplasms)      Degenerative diseases      Congenital abnormalities     Trauma (recent or remote)     Infection (meningitis,encephalitis,abscess,HIV encephalopathy, CJD, syphilis)     Metabolic disturbances      Hypo-or hyperglycema      Hypo-or hypernatremia      Heperosmolar states      Uremia      Hepatic failure      Hypocalcemia,hypomagnesemia (rare)      Pellagra     Toxins and drugs (many)      Cocaine, amphetamine, heroin      Lidocaine, salicylates, ergot, digitalis, Erythropoietin,Cyclospporin      Antidepressants      Theophiline, penicillins and b-lactam antibiotics, Quinolones, INH      Alcohol withdrawal      Drug withdrawal (Barbiturate,Benzodiazepine     Eclampsia of pregnancy (may occur up to eight weeks postpartum)     Hypertensive encephalopathy     Anoxic-ischemic injury (cardiac arrest ,sever hypohemia)     Reduced cerebral blood flow (hypotension,Adams-Stokes)  ・画像は必要か?   ACEP recommendations for obtaining emergent neuroimaging following a seizure    New focal deficits    Persistent altered mental status    Recent head trauma    Fever    Anticoagulation therapy    History of cancer    Persistent or sever headache    Change in seizure pattern    Suspicion of AIDS (Neurology)    Age >40 (option Neurology)    Partial-onset seizure (option Neurology)    Unknown cause (urgent indication Neurology) &ref(First-2.gif) &ref(First-3.gif)  ・入院させるか?帰すか?抗痙攣剤を出すか?   ACEP guidelines for hospital admission of patients with new-onset seizure    Persistent altered mental status    CNS infection    New intracranial lesion    Underlying correctable medical problem     Significant hypoxia     Hypoglycemia     Hyponatremia     Dysrhysmia     Significant alcohol withdrawal    Acute head trauma    Status epilepticus    Eclampsia  ※The most important predictors of the risk of recurrence were the etiology   and the results of the EEG  ※Idiopathic seizure,normal neurological exam, EEG normal : 24%(recurrent within 2years)                        ,EEG abnormal : 48%   Abnormal neurological exam, EEG normal : 48%                        ,EEG abnormal:65%  ・神経所見に異常があったり、画像上の異常がある場合は抗痙攣剤を開始する.     治療可能な二次性痙攀ではその治療のみ行なう.     原因不明の場合はrisk/benefitを説明し、内服を持たさずに一週間以内に神経内科を受診させて      も良いのでは?(controversial) ***Chest pain    In a typical population of patients with acute chest pain who present at the emergency    department, approximately 15 percent have acute myocardial infarction and about 30 to    35 percent have unstable angina. Only 2.1 percent of patients with acute myocardial infarction    were discharged from the emergency department. In that population, the risk-adjusted mortality    was approximately double that of patients who had been admitted.    The prevalence of acute myocardial infarction was 80 percent among patients with1 mm or more    of new ST-segment elevation and 20 percent among patients with ST-segment depression or    T-wave inversion not known to be old.    In the absence of electrocardiographic changes consistent with the presence of ischemia, the risk    of acute myocardial infarction was 4 percent among patients with a history of coronary artery    disease and 2 percent among patients with no such history (unpublished data). &ref(First-4.gif)    In a study of rapid assays for troponins T in 773 consecutive patients with acute chest pain but    no ST-segment elevation, 94 percent of the patients with myocardial infarction had a positive    result for troponin T within six hours after the onset of chest pain. The specificity was 89 percent.    The sensitivity of the rapid assay for detecting myocardial infarction ranged from 33 percent for    patients who presented within two hours after the onset of symptoms to 86 percent for patients    who presented after having symptoms for eight hours;      specificity ranged from 86 percent to 100 percent. &ref(First-5.gif)    This algorithm had a sensitivity for detecting myocardial infarction that was similar to that of    the evaluating physicians' decisions with regard to admission to the coronary care unit (88    percent and 87.8 percent, respectively) and had a significantly higher specificity (74 percent vs.    71 percent). &ref(First-6.gif) &ref(First-7.gif) ***Syncope    詳細は[[久松のレクチャー>http://www4.atwiki.jp/croquette/pages/28.html]]を参照.   ・予後の悪い心疾患を見逃さない.   Syncope of unknown etiology carries a favorable prognosis with 1-year follow-up data showing   a low incidence of sudden death (2%), a 20% chance of recurrent syncope, and a 78% remission rate.   身体所見、心電図が正常で、45才以下なら外来でフォロー可能.   心不全や心室性不整脈の既往、異常心電図、45才以上なら救急外来で様子観察か、入院. ***Anaphyraxis 入院の適応 ボスミンを使用した患者は全例最低6時間は観察し、この間無症状なら帰宅可. 遠方者やsevereな反応のあった者、高齢者なども考慮. 退院の適応、処方、外来予約 ボスミンを使用した患者は全例最低6時間は観察し、この間無症状なら帰宅可 原因薬剤がわかれば、(疑わしければ)薬剤名を持たせて帰宅.   抗ヒスタミン剤とPSL20-40mg4日間.   帰宅後に何か症状があれば、再来するように伝える.   特に問題なければフォローは不要だが、皮膚科受診の紹介や重症例は外来で一度フォローする. ***Hemoptysis     Infectious nontubercular cause 25%     Tbc 5%     Neoplasia 28%     Cardiovascular 3%     Miscellaneous 13%     Undetermined 28%     Mild less than 5ml of blood in 24h     Moderate 5-600ml     Massive greater than 600ml     バイタルが異常なものは入院して様子観察.     バイタル、胸写ともに問題なければ外来で. ***GI bleeding   5 poor prognostic factors in upper GI bleeding     Initial hematocrit less than 30%     Initial systemic blood pressure lower than 100mmHg     Red blood in the NG lavage     History of cirrhosis or ascites on exam     History of vomiting red blood   Most common source of massive lower GI bleeding is an upper GI site.     Diverticulitis 35%     Angiodysplasia 30%     Cancer polyp 10%     Rectal disease 7%     Other 3%     Undiagnosed 15%   80-90% lower GI bleeding will stop without therapy. ***Suicide   SAD PERSONS score     Sex female 3times more likely to attempt,but men succeed 3times.     Age 19or younger and 45 or older are high risk     Depression 40-80% results from depression, 15% kill themselves     Previous attempt 64times risk     Ethanol abuse     Rational thinking loss functional psychosis command hallucination     Social support lacking     Organized plan     No spouse     Sickness   Discharge criteria     Crisis is identified and addressed     Patient has low SAD PERSONS score     Patient verbally “contacts” to return if condition worsens     Family member or friend agrees to stay with patient     Patient has a stable and supportive home environment     Telephone consultation with health care provider responsible for follow-up is performed     Follow-up appointment within 24-48 hours is scheduled. ***TIA     入院. ***Heat illness     軽い意識障害でも、急激に痙攀などおこることあり.解熱するまで様子観察. ***Near drowning     重度の低酸素血症や、一過性でも意識障害があったものは入院して様子観察.     胸写、パルスオキシで異常なく、意識障害の既往もなければ帰宅可. ***Electrical injury     全く何の症状がなくとも6-8時間はモニターして様子観察して帰宅.     何らかの症状があったり、どれぐらいの電力であったかが不明な場合は入院.

