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admin サーバー管理者、リモート管理者 専用コマンド

You must be logged in as the server admin and run the admin.execremotecommand "command" console function to execute each command.

admin.getRemoteConsoleEnabled (リモートコントロールが有効か表示)
admin.enableRemoteConsole [username] [password] # (サーバーへのリモートアクセスを有効にします)
admin.disableRemoteConsole (サーバーへのリモートアクセスを無効にします。)
admin.enableRemoteAdmin [password] (リモート管理者がサーバーにログインできるようにします)
admin.disableRemoteAdmin (サーバーへのリモート管理者のログインを無効にします)
admin.execremotecommand "command" (リモート管理者からコマンド(ここにリストされているコマンド)を実行します)
admin.maxAllowedConnectionType [type] (Sets the highest connection type (1-4) allowed to join the server)
admin.voteMapMajority # (Percentage of voters required to change a Map (0 – 1.0))
admin.voteKickPlayerMajority (As above for Votekicks)
admin.voteKickTeamPlayerMajority (As above for Team Votekicks)
admin.enableMapVote 1/0 (Enables/Disables Map voting)
admin.enableKickPlayerVote 1/0(As above for Votekicks)
admin.enableKickTeamPlayerVote 1/0 (As above for Team Votekicks)
admin.votingTime # (Number of seconds during which players can vote)
admin.kickPlayer [ID] (Admin version of Votekick player)
admin.banPlayer [ID] (Admin permanent Votekick (ban) of player)
admin.changeMap [map name] (Admin changes map to name specified)
admin.addAddressToBanList [IP] (Adds a player's IP address to banned list)
admin.removeAddressFromBanList [IP] (Removes a player's IP address from banned list)
admin.listBannedAdresses (Lists all banned IPs)
admin.clearBanList (Clears all banned ips)
admin.banTime # (Length of time a banned player cannot join server)
admin.tagPlayer [ID]
admin.bandWidthChokeLimit #
admin.allownosecam 1/0 (Allows player to turn off HUD while flying)
admin.externalviews 1/0 (Allows/disallows external camera view and nose cam)
admin.togglegamepause (Enables/Disables pausing)
admin.setTicketRatio #
admin.autoBalanceTeam 1/0 (Enables/Disables Auto team-balancing when teams are uneven)
admin.delayBeforeStartingGame # (Time delay before a game starts)
admin.roundDelayBeforeStartingGame # (Time delay before a new round starts)
admin.soldierFFRatio # (The ratio of damage (e.g. 0.5=50%) done by Friendly Fire)
admin.vehicleFFratio # (As above for vehicle FF)
admin.soldierFFRatioOnSplash # (As above for weapon splash damage)
admin.vehicleFFRatioOnSplash # (As above for vehicle FF splash damage)
admin.kickBack # (How far player is kicked back when hit)
admin.kickBackOnSplash #(As above for splash damage)
admin.timeLimit # (Time limit for match)
admin.scoreLimit # (Score limit for match)
admin.restartMap (Restarts current map)
admin.setNextLevel [map] (Sets the next map to load after current map ends)
admin.timeBeforeRestartMap # (How much time until the map restarts)
admin.SetNrOfRounds # (Sets the number of rounds)
admin.timeToNextWave #
admin.spawnWaveTime #


Console.showfps 1/0 (When enabled shows your current Frames Per Second (FPS) in the top left corner of the screen)
Console.showstats 1/0 (When enabled shows a range of system performance information)


game.sayTeam (Team chat)
game.sayAll (Global chat)
game.listPlayers (Lists players and their id numbers)
game.listMaps (Lists the maps and number assignments in server rotation)
game.voteMap # (Votes to change the map to the number specified)
game.voteKickPlayer [ID] (Calls a vote to kick a player. To vote enter this command with the same number)
game.voteKickTeamPlayer [ID] (Same as above but only teammates are allowed to vote)
game.changePlayerName [Name] (Renames your player in-game)
game.dumpNetworkDebugStats 1/0
game.debugCallBackDisabled 1/0 (Allows use of callbacks to get game info)
game.useHUD 1/0 (Toggles the the Head Up Display (HUD))
game.setShadows 1/0 (Toggles shadows on/off)
game.setEnvironmentMapping 1/0 (Toggles Environment Mapping on/off)
game.setToolTip 1/0 (Toggles tool tips on/off)
game.setRadioToolTip 1/0 (Toggles Radio button text on/off)
game.setCrossHairColor # # # (Adjusts crosshair color based on Red Green & Blue values entered)
game.setStaticMiniMap 1/0 (When set to 0 the minimap rotates as you rotate )
game.setMiniMapTransparency # (The higher the number the more transparent)
game.RadioToolTipColor # # # (Adjusts the color of the Radio button text (if on))
game.getIp (Displays IP in the message window)
game.getLevelName (Displays the name of the level)
game.enableFreeCamera 1/0 (Enable/disable the ability to look around while waiting to spawn)
game.killPlayer [ID] (IDのプレイヤーを殺害する admin専用)
game.disconnect (Disconnects from the server)
game.suicide (自殺する)
game.setCommonMouseSensitivity # (Sets Common mouse sensitivity)


game.setInfMouseSensitivity # (Sets mouse sensitivity as a soldier)
game.setInfMouseInvert 1/0 (1 for inverted, 0 for default (non-inverted) when a soldier)


game.setLandSeaKeyboardSensitivity # (Sets keyboard sensitivity when using a vehicle)
game.setLandSeaMouseSensitivity # (Sets mouse sensitivity when using a vehicle)
game.setLandSeaMouseInvert 1/0 (1 for inverted, 0 for default (non-inverted) when using a vehicle)
game.setConnection (1-4)
game.setDisableSound 1/0
game.setChannels #
game.setMasterVolume #
game.setMenuMusicVolume #
game.setMusicOnOff 1/0
game.setLocalizedDialog 0
game.setQuality #
game.setHardware #
game.setGameDisplayMode 800 600 32 0
game.setDetailTexture #
game.setGraphicsQuality #
game.setLightmaps 1/0
game.setRenderWhenSpawnMenu 1
game.setMenuViewdistance #
game.setEffectsQuality #
game.setPerformance #


game.setAirKeyboardSensitivity # (Sets keyboard sensitivity when flying planes)
game.setAirMouseSensitivity # (Sets mouse sensitivity when flying planes)
game.setAirMouseInvert 1/0 (1 for inverted, 0 for default (non-inverted) when flying planes)


These settings can't be changed in-game. You must edit these settings in the Sound.con file.
Sound.setDopplerFactor 1/0 (Turns on/off 3D Audio effects)
Sound.setRolloffFactor 1/0 (As above)
Sound.setDistanceFactor 1/0 (As above)
Sound.setPitchChangeRate #
Sound.showSoundInfo 1/0 (Toggles information display about the sound performance)
Sound.drawSoundObjects 1/0 (As above)


profiler.enable 1/0 # # 1/0
profiler.reportfile # # 1/0
profiler.reportfile # # 1/0
profiler.enableTimer (Timer number)
profiler.disableTimer (Timer number)
profiler.enableVTuneForTimer (Timer number)
profiler.disableVTuneForTimer (Timer number)
profiler.enableTimerByName (Timer Name)
profiler.disableTimerByName (Timer Name)
profiler.enableVTuneForTimerFromName (Timer Name)
profiler.disableVTuneForTimerFromName (Timer Name)


renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 1/0
renderer.extrapolateFrame 1/0
renderer.mipMapBias #
renderer.setVSyncEnabled 0/1 0/1

Ignore Commands

chat.ignoreRadioText 0/1
chat.ignoreRadioAudio 0/1
chat.setIgnoreRadioAudioAndText 0/1
chat.addToIgnoreList (user id)
chat.removeFromIgnoreList (user id)

Punish & Forgive

admin.spawnDelayPenaltyForTK (value) (1.0 = wait 1 spawn)
admin.banPlayerOnTKKick 0/1
admin.nrOfTKToKick (value)
admin.tkPunishMode 0/1


Buddy List



chat.ChatMessageSize 1/12
chat.GameInfoMessageSize1/ #
chat.KillMessageSize 1/#
chat.setChatHistory (Sets the # of lines for all 3 message displays)
chat.OldChatListStyle 0/1 (1=1.2 chat)
chat.OldChatListHistory #


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